Google Tag Manager (server-side) for e-commerce

Google Tag Manager Server-Side (GTM SS) — the next-level solution for advanced marketers looking to optimize their online store’s performance while ensuring data privacy and security.

Key Values:

  • Enhanced Data Security: GTM Server-Side processes data on your servers, giving you full control over the information collected and shared, ensuring compliance with data privacy laws.
  • Improved Site Performance: Reduce the load on your client-side website by shifting tag management to the server-side, enhancing your site’s speed and user experience.
  • Precise Data Collection: With server-side tagging, gain more accurate insights into user behavior by mitigating ad blockers and browser restrictions, providing a clearer picture of your site’s performance.

Why Opt for Our GTM Server-Side Implementation?

  • Expertise in Cutting-Edge Technology: Our team specializes in the latest server-side tagging techniques, ensuring your e-commerce platform utilizes GTM to its full potential.
  • Seamless Integration: We ensure a hassle-free integration of GTM Server-Side with your existing e-commerce infrastructure, allowing for a smooth transition and immediate impact.
  • Customized Solutions: Every e-commerce platform is unique. We offer tailored GTM Server-Side setups to match your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and data accuracy.

Pricing Details:

  • Initial Setup: Requires 8-16 hours, estimated cost between 400-600 EUR
  • Ongoing Management: Tailored to your needs, starting from 50 EUR/month.
  • Hosting Costs: To support server-side tracking, hosting services start at an additional 100 EUR/month, ensuring secure and reliable data management.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Why Server-Side GTM? It offers a more secure, efficient way to handle data, reducing reliance on client-side processing and enhancing privacy.
  • Behavior Tracking Capable? Absolutely, it’s designed to offer insightful analytics on user interactions for data-driven decision-making.
  • Configuration Timeline? Our team aims for a swift setup within 2-7 working days, depending on availability and system specifics.


Ready for Enhanced Control and Performance?
Contact Us to Upgrade to Server-side GTM Today!