Google Tag Manager for e-commerce

Ideal for e-commerce owners looking to easily add and manage marketing tools without needing to touch the code.. Perfect if you’re seeking hassle-free updates and custom user behavior tracking.

Key Values:

  • Completely free
  • Easy integration with most e-marketing tools.
  • Efficient tracking setup to monitor user behavior.

Why would you hire us to implement GTM?

  • Your IT may have long To Do list and you don’t want to wait.
  • You don’t feel confident in new technology and don’t want to risk problems in a profitable store by installing GTM yourself.
  • You want to be sure that your GTM is configured correctly and will not negatively affect your online store.

How much does it cost do configure GTM?

  • Initial Setup: 4-6 hours of work time, approximately 200-300 EUR.
  • Ongoing Management: depends on the complexity, starting at 50 EUR/month.


  1. What is Google Tag Manager and why do I need it?
    • Google Tag Manager is a tool that allows you to easily integrate and manage various marketing and analytics tags on your website without needing to modify the code each time.
  2. How quickly can you set up Google Tag Manager for my e-commerce site?
    • The initial setup usually takes between 4-6 hours, depending on your specific needs and website complexity.
  3. Can Google Tag Manager track user behavior on my site?
    • Yes, it’s designed to efficiently track and report on user interactions, providing valuable insights into customer behavior.
  4. How quickly can you configure and install GTM?
    • It takes 2-7 working days and depends on our team availability and your e-commerce system configuration.


Ready to simplify your marketing tools integration?
Contact us to get started!